Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Aug 10th 2010

I hate days like today.     My computer had a slight meltdown and I lost like 70% of my stuff.   Photos, essays, videos, music etc.

I was going to weeks ago, do a review on the movie "Lesbian Vampire Killers"   and have no idea what direction to tackle it.   Let's face it,  with a title like that you know it's not politically correct.

I was thinking too of transferring a bunch of old posts from my other blogs like my Alucard's Rose  but thought what was the purpose of that? 

I'm not currently reading any vampire books.   However I did just finish reading  Emma and the Vampires for review.   So you can read that here 
Safe to say, when I have my head screwed on straight, I'll be back to my vampires in full force.   I'm actually looking forward to a few new vampire films coming out soon.   "Vampires Suck",  and "Suck" (starring Alice Cooper)  

Till then.... Creeping Screams!

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