Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sept 3rd note

Wow, a full month has gone by and I haven't done a vampire film.   Seriously, how did I loose that much track of time?

I would hate to say the 365 Days challenge has been a failure, but I think I might have to say that.  Even with 119 days left to the year, I still need to make up over 296 days.
Just isn't in the budget. 

When I was doing the One Movie a Day challenge last year, I saw how many vampire movies I was watching, and around last September (2012) I got the idea to do the vampire version.  Seemed like the greatest idea ever, at that time.
I had all these vampire movies in my collection and thought it would be cream cheese. You know, smooth, easy.  Plus, I have all these vampire tv shows too.  I even got it in my head to gather up my vampire books with the plan to review one every few weeks.  I also had a ton of "side projects" planned (like the Lost Boys themed recipe which I did, and a vampire themed scrapbook which I'm working on, and a few other movie "props" which I have half the supplies for.)

I think I over thunk it.
I am going to continue on doing the 365 Days, just because I want to finish it.  Just, looks like at the moment, it's not going to be finished in 2013. This is what happens when you let a hobby get out of control, you set yourself up for a big bad. 
I've said it before, the reasons the One Movie a Day challenge worked last year was because I was stuck at home with my knee injury with nothing else to do, and because it was unplanned. I just one afternoon decided to start it while watching a movie.  

Love Ardeth Blood

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