Wednesday, January 16, 2013

365 Days -Day 15

WWBD?  part 5

Season 1 Episode 7- Angel

We open with the Master and Darla and the Anointed One in the underground cave. They are talking about how to deal with Buffy, and decide to send "the Three"  which are a group of warrior type vampires.
Next we see Buffy and Willow at the Bronze killing bugs and talking about Angel. Then Xander and Cordelia on the dance floor insulting each other.  Buffy then leaves the party, and is attacked by the Three.  Angel then appears and helps her fight them off. He gets injured and they take shelter in Buffy's house, and she bandages up his cuts. Buffy's mom comes home and she ends up hiding Angel in her room.
The next day at school, Buffy and Willow and Xander start talking about the vampires and Angel.  Giles figures out who the Three are and lets Buffy know it's time to start using weapons in training.
We then see the cave and the Three offer themselves to the Master because they failed. Darla then stakes them.
When Buffy returns home, she believes that Angel has read her diary, which gives Angel the upper hand.  They kiss and he turns into a vampire before jumping out of the window.
The next day at school the group are talking about the fact he's a vampire and are not sure how to handle it. 
We then see Angel's apartment where Darla is hiding.  We get the first real clue to Angel's background.  Back at the library, the gang are reading the watcher's diaries about Angelus.
Back to Darla and the Master, talking about how they are going to get Angel to come back to the fold. Darla then goes to Buffy's house and bites her mom setting Angel up, who comes to rescue her. Buffy then walks in after Darla has gone to see her mom injured and Angel leaning over her.  When her mom wakes up in the hospital she doesn't remember anything.  She meets Giles for the first time in this episode.
Back at Angel's apartment, we see Darla trying to get him to feed.
Buffy then tracks Angel down, and he tells her about the curse on his soul. Darla then shows up and it's a battle between them. Then Angel stakes her.  We then see the Master and the Anointed One planning to kill Buffy.
The final scene of the episode is the gang back at the Bronze, and Buffy and Angel share another kiss.

And this is the point where I would give a short list on what I think the themes of the episode are and a possible screen capture. Only, tonight I don't have a screen capture and I'm not really sure what the themes of this episode are.
Buffy has a crush on Angel. Angel has a crush on Buffy.  Joyce meets Giles.  Darla is given some history then staked. 
The best I can come up with at this moment (and to be honest I have a headache and just want to finish this post) is how you can never runaway from your past.  In order to have any kind of future with Buffy, Angel needs to truly end his past relationship with Darla. Mind you staking was a bit of an extreme...

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