Friday, January 4, 2013

Vampire Diaries recaps

The Vampire Diaries  Season 1 Episode 1- Pilot

We see a couple driving late at night, and they hit a man standing around in the middle of the road. It ends up he's a vampire, and kills them both.
Next morning, we're at the high school, and a new guy arrives, Stefan, sending all the girls into a heat. We then meet Elena, who is dealing with the death of her parents and decides to go to the graveyard to be close to them. Stefan shows up, but not before a mysterious crow that spooks her.
Stefan, notices she's dropped her diary and picks it up.
The rest of the school, Elena's younger brother included, decide to head to the school party and a few more students end up dead.  Bitten by some wild animal. Only Stefan seems to really be rattled. We then met Damon, Stefan's older brother, arrives. The two vampire brothers have a fight, Stefan getting the worst of it. The episode ends with one of the victims laying in hospital remembering what she believes was a vampire attacking her, and Stefan returning the diary to Elena.

I've commented before on how surprised I was with the transition from book to show this ended up being.

There is so much to cover in this first episode, it's almost impossible to pinpoint the major themes going on in it.  I suppose I'd have to go with lies and trust.  How secrets can mess up everyone no matter how well they are buried. 
It's also about control vs recklessness. Stefan is quiet and doing his best to be normal, while Damon is going with a more base nature. 

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